New Year NB Orion Nebula

I intended this to be a round star test image after replacing the cooling fan in my ASI533 MC camera with a low vibration Noctua NF-A4x10 premium fan. The clear sky held up until about 2am. I used a dual narrow band filter Ha and O3 with a 65% full moon out under Bortle 7 skies. Stars looked nice and round and the final result looked good as well.

M42 the Orion Nebula from Austin, Texas. 3.6 hours exposure as 36 30" lights with master dark. Bortle 7, drizzle stacked 436x30" lights + master dark, WO RedCat 250/51mm, L-Ultimate dual NB filter, ASI533 MC camera, ASIAIR Plus controller, SW AZ-EQ5 mount. Processed in PixInsight, drizzle stacked then SPCC, RC-Astro Noise/Blur/StarXTerminator plugins, XF, GHS,Curves and PS final exp and crop

Above is an alternate version of this image. The narrow band stars have been removed and replaced with broadband stars stacked from 60 5" exposures. The image has been cropped a little more tightly and the background nebulosity brought out a bit more.

Content created: 2024-01-02 and last modified: 2024-01-05



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Moon Phase