Christmas Tree Cluster and Cone Nebula with more exposure

Another clear night in Austin gave me the chance to more than triple the total exposure time with the Christmas Tree Cluster (NGC2264) and Cone Nebula! Captured under a Bortle 7 sky in Austin, Texas, in #NB-OSC on 2023-12-05 and 2013-12-12. with over 6 hours total exposure (77 x 5'). The additional time captures the dim nebulosity in more detail. The two color Ha + O3 image is rendered in an HOO palate.

WO RedCat 250/51mm, L-Ultimate dual NB filter, ASI533 MC camera, ASIAIR Plus controller, SW AZ-EQ5 mount.

6 hours 25 minutes of integration time allows a dramatic rendering of both dim and bright details in the image.

2 hours of integration time. Machine learning noise reduction with RC Astro NoiseXTerminator controls the noise level in this short exposure, but didn't allow me to show the detail in dim nebulosity that just wasn't captured.

Processed in PixInsight, drizzle stacked then SPCC, RC-Astro Noise/Blur/StarXTerminator plugins, GHS, LHE, Curves, and PS final exp and crop

Content created: 2023-12-12



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