Questar Zone, How to Service Videos

Ben Langloz has created the Questar Zone YouTube channel with educational Questar related videos. His initial offerings are an excellent set of videos detailing the disassembly, servicing and reassembly of a 50th anniversary 3.5 inch Questar standard. These include:

  1. Control Box Disassembly, Barlow Service
  2. Removal of Barrel from Mount, Finder Prism Shuttle Service
  3. Barrel Rotation Brake and Ring Assembly
  4. Finder Filter, Finder Mirror, Removal and Replacement
  5. Declination Drive Disassembly
  6. Declination Brake Disassembly
  7. Base - R.A. Drive Disassembly
  8. Motor Removal, Refinishing Planning
  9. Refinishing - Sanding
  10. Refinishing - Polishing
  11. Reassembly - Base and Arms
  12. Reassembly - R.A. Drive, Barrel, Axis Tension
  13. How to Remove a Questar Corrector Lens
  14. How to Remove a Questar Mirror
  15. Back Plate Dissassembly and Reassembly
  16. Reinstalling Questar Mirror and Corrector
  17. How to Wrap a Questar AC Cord
  18. Quick Start Introduction to Your Questar Telescope

Kudos to Ben for sharing his expertise with this outstanding series of videos. They are invaluable to anyone self servicing or cleaning a Questar.

Content created: 2018-12-31 and last modified: 2019-07-21



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