Continental Divide Cocoon Nebula

The Cocoon Nebula, Sh2-125, and star cluster IC-5146, imaged less than a mile from the Continental Divide Trail in the Gila National Forrest north of Silver City, New Mexico. Almost 4 hours of data taken over two nights. The Cocoon is a stellar nursery about 4000 light years away. It includes an emission nebula bright in red hydrogen alpha light, a blueish reflection nebula, and a dark nebula tail. Its late in the season for the Cocoon so it was the first taget of the evening. Hurricane Norma spun up some thin clouds that caused me to loose about an hour of data early the 2nd night. I was pleased to have enough data to resolve the dark tail nebula.

WO RedCat 250/51mm, UV/IR cut filter, ASI533 MC camera, ASIAIR Plus controller, SW AZ-EQ5 mount. From Gila National Forest on 2023-10-21/22, 45 5' exposures stacked & processed in PixInsight, drizzle stacked then SPCC, RC-Astro Noise/Blurhe /StarXTerminator plugins, GHS, and PS final exp and crop

Content created: 2023-10-22



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