Publications, awards, shows, and other recognition of my photos and astronomy outreach include:
I make these images for myself, but your comments by mail, Flickr and Facebook inspire me to share them. Here's a sample of comments from Flickr.
My astro images on Flickr have drawn over 1 million views with over 250 with more than a thousand views each. Explore images are selected by Flickr as the most interesting 500 of the more than 50 million images uploaded to Flickr each day. Scout generated this poster of my Explore images on Flickr with their rank:
In 2017 the Astronomical League held its first OPT Solar System Imaging Award competition. My earthshine image won second place.
With over 200 hours of public outreach, star party, and sidewalk astronomy experience I was awarded the Astronomical League's Master Level Outreach Award.
My partial eclipse image won the Texas Star Party Solar System Image of the Year for 2015.
I'm active on Quora, frequently the most viewed author of answers to questions about astrophotography and amateur astronomy with over a half million total answer views.
Eclipse Megamovie 2017 photographer
Content created: 2015-05-18 and last modified: 2019-12-20
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