
Publications, awards, shows, and other recognition of my photos and astronomy outreach include:

  • 2019 Austin Chronicle Critics Pick as "Best Photographer to Keep You Starry Eyed
  • Invited Speaker for astronomy and photography groups, libraries, and star parties including: ArmadilloCon 2023, Astroblast, Astronomy on Tap ATX, Austin Astro Society, Blanton Museum High Noon Eclipse Talk, Hill Country Photographers, Houston Astro Society, Mid-South Star Gaze, Texas Astro Society, and Texas Star Party
  • Contributor to EarthSky, Astronomy Technology Today, and Amateur Astrophotography
  • AUI Astronomy in Chile Educator Ambassadors Program 2019 expedition to Chile
  • NASA JPL Solar System Ambassador volunteer speaker
  • 2018 Austin Astronomical Society Image of the Year
  • January image in 2019 Astronomical League Calender
  • Astronomical League Master Outreach Award, July 2018
  • Image featured in Planeten: Missionen zu exotischen Welten” by Berndt Feuerbacher, a book on the exploration of the Solar System.
  • Big Medium Gallery, Fisterra Retrospective, 27 April - 18 May 2018
  • East Austin Studio Tour 2017, Guest Artist, Fisterra Studio, metal prints of solar system astrophotography
  • 2017 Eclipse Megamovie Team contributed over 100 eclipse images to citizen science project to compile an extended video of the Solar Corona
  • Astronomical League 2017 OPT Imaging Award winner 2nd place Solar System image
  • Sky & Telescope's Skywatch 2017 Milky Way image
  • Texas Star Party Solar System Image of the Year 2015
  • Amateur Astrophotography magazine Moon images
  • Flicker - over one million views of my astro images, 100 images with more than a thousand views each, and more than twenty Flickr Explore selections
  • BBC TV "Stargazing Live" Comet Lovejoy image
  • BBC iWonder Lunar Eclipse Image
  • BBC 4 The Sky at Night Crescent Moon in favorite images Sept 2016
  • Multiple Image of the Day and gallery photos on Earth & Sky
  • PBS Digital "It’s Okay to be Smart" lunar eclipse photography consultant
  • Sky & Telescope SkyWatch 2017 magazine image
  • Space Squid eZine fiction illustration
  • Time Warner TV News featured his Five Planets at Dawn image
  • Wisconsin Public Radio Pluto New Horizons montage image
  • Images of the Week Amateur Astronomy Selenology Project
  • Images of the Month Austin Astronomical Society

I make these images for myself, but your comments by mail, Flickr and Facebook inspire me to share them. Here's a sample of comments from Flickr.

  • PD: This is the best full moon shot of any I have seen up to now.
  • KR: Stunning capture!
  • SW: Wow! Terrific job capturing all that color detail on the moon. Very neat shot. Congrats on Explore!
  • TW: Simply perfect in the detail!
  • JF: Stunning I've seen!! Thanks for sharing and congrats on Explore.
  • JL: Beautiful capture !
  • JF: Marvelous image, awe of shots like this!!!
  • FT: Superb !
  • RL: I feel like an astonished child. Thanks for this photo.
  • AD: Gorgeous!
  • DM: Beautiful photograph. Beautifully surreal.
  • DR: Wow
  • ZH: Great minimalism.
  • DV: Outstanding picture !!!! Congratulations on Explore !!
  • BB: Magnifique.
  • JA: Una fantástica imagen. Me encantan su composición, su nitidez y la luz. Una maravilla. Enhorabuena por el explore. Muy merecido.
  • LR: the best record I've ever seen about the Moon rather than recorded in an spacecraft. Congratulations!

My astro images on Flickr have drawn over 1 million views with over 250 with more than a thousand views each. Explore images are selected by Flickr as the most interesting 500 of the more than 50 million images uploaded to Flickr each day. Scout generated this poster of my Explore images on Flickr with their rank:

In 2017 the Astronomical League held its first OPT Solar System Imaging Award competition. My earthshine image won second place.

January Earthshine Crescent Moon
Crescent Moon from Austin on 2017-01-31 01:02 UT. Questar 3.5" telescope (1350mm f14) and Sony a6300 camera at prime focus. A day-lapse HDR image. Crescent exposed 1/25 sec at ISO 400. Best 8 of 105 images stacked in Nebulosity. Earthshine exposed on 2017-01-30 00:55 UT for 5 sec at ISO 400, best 16 of 30 images stacked in Lynkeos. Deconvolution in Lynkeos with HDR composition in Photoshop.

With over 200 hours of public outreach, star party, and sidewalk astronomy experience I was awarded the Astronomical League's Master Level Outreach Award.

My partial eclipse image won the Texas Star Party Solar System Image of the Year for 2015.

Jet gets a close view of Solar Eclipse
A passing jet gets a close view of the partial eclipse of 2014-10-23 at 5:55 CDT in Austin, Texas. Questar 3.5" with Sony NEX-5N at prime focus ISO 200 for 1/60 sec. Deconvolved in Lynkeos, final adjustments in Photoshop. The plane is about 60 miles away.

I'm active on Quora, frequently the most viewed author of answers to questions about astrophotography and amateur astronomy with over a half million total answer views.

Eclipse Megamovie 2017 photographer

Content created: 2015-05-18 and last modified: 2019-12-20




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