Horsehead Nebula Face-Off Bortle 2 vrs Bortle 7

This is my second comparison of a wideband dark sky image with a one shot color narrowband image from an urban location. In this comparison the dark sky image from north of Silver City, NM, has only 155' of total exposure (Baader UV/IR cut filter) compared to 270' of narrow band exposure (Optolong L-Ultimate Ha+O3 filter) in NW Austin, Tx.

Dark skies, broadband UV/IR cut filter, Horsehead and Flame Nebula from Silver City

Urban light dome, multi narrow band Optolong L-Ultimate Ha and O3 3nm filter, HOO pallate Horsehead and Flame Nebula from Austin

Otherwise the same equipment: WO RedCat 250/51 Petzval Refractor, ZWO ASI 533 MC color camera, ASIAIR+ photo controller, and SW AZ-EQ 5 Pro mount. Similar processing to bring out the best in in each image in Pixinsight with GraXpert, BlurXTerminator, StarXterminator, NoiseXterminator, GHS, and Curves plugins. Final exposure and color balance adjustments were done in Photoshop.

Also see the similar apples to apples comparison of the California nebula.

Content created: 2023-12-07



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