
This site and its contents except as noted are copyrighted by Rob Pettengill (Robert C. Pettengill, Jr.). I generously make my work available to others without defacing images with watermarks. I expect my license terms to be followed, especially with regard to attribution and non-commercial use. I have an attorney in the family and aggressively pursue violations.

Some referenced items are identified as the work of others and covered by their own copyright and license restrictions.

Any use where fees are charged is considered commercial use. Unless other arrangements have been made with me, my images and other content are licensed as follows:

Creative Commons License

The following attribution or one which contains the same information, with web links, must be included:

This work by Rob Pettengill is licensed under a CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 License.

Printed attributions must include the text for the link to my web site:

This work by Rob Pettengill ( is licensed under a CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 License.

Use on a commercial website

Use of one of my images on a commercial web site is $75. The image must be substantially unaltered. Scaling the image size and cropping are OK, but overlaid text or other graphics on the image are not. To secure a commercial license send $75 for each image to my PayPal account ( Include the URL of the image you are licensing and the URL of your web site in the comments as well as your contact information. The image must have an attribution with the following information:

Licensed image/work copyright Rob Pettengill (

Contact me for any other use.

Content created: 2015-05-18 and last modified: 2019-04-11



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