LBJ Old Junction School House

Sky darkness(Bortle class 1 is best): 3

A quick drive west on US 290 from Austin to between Hye and Stonewall often gets you drier and clearer skies. Just before Stonewall, on US 290 is the LBJ State Park & Historic Site. The grounds provide some good spots for night photography including a church and cabins as well as a 24 hour rest stop.

Just across the Pedernales River from the state park is the Lyndon B. Johnson National Historical Park. This park is closed at night, but right outside the entrance gate at Park Road 49 (Redstone Ranch Road) and Klein Road is the reconstructed Old Junction School House. This location is secluded from the lights and noise of US 290 and has lots of open space to setup a camera or telescope. It is just outside the gate to the National Park and accessible to the public at night. The nearby restroom is closed outside of park hours.

Clear Dark Sky Forecast History / Climate Information

Astrospheric graphical astronomical forecast

Content created: 2020-07-19



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