A passing jet gets a close view of the partial eclipse of 2014-10-23 at 5:55 CDT in Austin, Texas. Questar 3.5" with Sony NEX-5N at prime focus ISO 200 for 1/60 sec. Deconvolved in Lynkeos, final adjustments in Photoshop. The plane is about 60 miles away.
Total Lunar Eclipse 2019 |
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2017 Great American Eclipse Revisited, put a ring on it |
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Jet gets a close view of Solar Eclipse |
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Transit of Mercury |
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ISS Solar Transit |
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Conjunction of Jupiter, Venus, & Mercury |
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Mercury & the Moon with Earthshine |
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Conjunction of Venus and Jupiter |
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Lunar occultation of Venus |
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Conjunction of Jupiter and Venus |
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Luna & Gaia's Shadow |
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Moon, Jupiter, & Callisto |
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Moon & red Mars Conjunction |
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Jupiter with Ganymede and its shadow |
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Jupiter with Ganymede Io(transiting) & Europa |
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Seven Worlds at Dawn |
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Super Blue Blood Moon Time-lapse Lometa Texas |
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2017 Great American Eclipse Revisited, put a ring on it |
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Jet gets a close view of Solar Eclipse |
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ISS Solar Transit |
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Luna & Gaia's Shadow |
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Super Blue Blood Moon Time-lapse Lometa Texas |
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Corazón encendido - Sunspot group AR2529 |
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Fly me to the Moon |
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Date Taken: | 2014-10-23 |
Keywords: | Sunspot Eclipse Airplane |
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03 Earthshine on the Waxing Crescent Moon
04 Crescent Moon with earthshine
12 Waxing Gibbous Moon 160321 stills with silent shutter
13 Christmas Eve nearly full Moon
14 Merry Christmas (La Befana) Full Moon
16 Waning Gibbous Moon the Terminator is Back!
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23 Waning Crescent Moon with Earthshine
25 Moon Waning Crescent with Earthshine
27 Moon Thin Waning Crescent 140823
2017 Great American Eclipse Revisited, put a ring on it
Jet gets a close view of Solar Eclipse
Conjunction of Jupiter, Venus, & Mercury
Mercury & the Moon with Earthshine
Conjunction of Venus and Jupiter
Conjunction of Jupiter and Venus
Jupiter with Ganymede and its shadow
Earthshine on a waxing crescent Moon
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Jupiter and the Galilean Moons
Jupiter imaged with a Raspberry Pi Camera
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Jupiter transited by Io & its shadow - Revisited
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