The Sword of Orion

The Sword of Orion

In this HDR image I try to be true to the shape of the Orion nebula as seen in a small telescope while also showing the HDR features that only a camera can capture. Taken from my driveway in Austin, Texas on 2020-11-17 09:20 UT. William Optics RedCat 250/51 mm telescope with a ZWO ASI533 MC Pro camera using an Optolong L-Pro light pollution filter, all on a Vixen Polarie mount. Total exposure 96' with 10" (85), 30" (125), and 60" (30) sub-exposures, f/4.9 at a gain of 101. Process in PixInsight with final exposure and crop in Photoshop.

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Date Taken: 2020-11-17




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