23 Waning Crescent Moon with Earthshine

23 Waning Crescent Moon with Earthshine

Waning Crescent Moon from Austin, Texas 2016-06-28 10:05 UT. Questar 3.6 with Sony a6300 1/25 sec at ISO 200. Best 8 of 50 images stacked and deconvolved in Lynkeos. Day-lapse Earthshine 2016-06-30 20 images 10 sec at ISO 400. HDR composited and cropped in Photoshop.

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Date Taken: 2016-06-28
Keywords: Moon
28 Nights



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flickr:wNG iMAGE aND dESIGN


flickr:Sara Wager

Super Moon Rob!! Congrats on Explore!

flickr:Caio Kawasaki


flickr:Martin Cauchon

That's photography!

flickr:R@V! R

Wonderful ....

flickr:Ilia Alshanetsky

Great capture!

flickr:Yann Pinczon du Sel

Beautiful! Congrats!

flickr:Tim Trentadue

Great composite, well done.

flickr:Brian Murphy

Nice work!

flickr:joseph nuzzolese

Nice photo super.

FB:Peter Young

This still is one of my favorite Moon images of all time Rob! I had to search for it today as I was talking to someone for it. Amazing image sir!!

Images by Date

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